Thursday, October 23, 2014

Knit Stitch Dish Cloth Pattern

This is a really sweet stitch pattern that I think would be a cool scarf, purse, or shawl, or hat.  I'd like to add that to my list of ideas & things to do, but maybe someone has already knitted this up.  It'd look totally cool in black & white, or just other contrasting, or complementary colors.   Here's the link to the Knitting Unlimited blogspot & pattern, I made a little version of alternate colors, that's the 2nd photo. 

Here's the address typed out in case there's a difficulty in getting there with the link, as sometimes happens:

Monday, February 24, 2014

Cool Yarn Bombs stolen

In Baltimore, near their convention center entrance, yarn bombers put up these really beautiful peacock and spider-web-looking yarn covers, and half of them were stolen. How sad for the people who put hours of crocheting into them! But thankfully they captured it on camera, and hopefully lots of people got to check 'em out before someone made off with them. Go to the facebook page of Baltimore ThreadQuarters: to check out the live flicks.